Jul 16, 2007 Oracle, SQL

Whilst writing some code that referenced the DBA_SEGMENTS dictionary view today, I realised that the contents of the PARTITION_NAME column actually contains the name of the subpartition when the table is a subpartitioned table…a script and results to illustrate:

drop table jeff_unpartitioned purge
drop table jeff_partitioned purge
drop table jeff_subpartitioned purge
create table jeff_unpartitioned(col1 number,col2 number)
create table jeff_partitioned(col1 number,col2 number)
partition by range(col1)
(partition p1 values less than(100)
,partition p2 values less than(maxvalue)
create table jeff_subpartitioned(col1 number,col2 number)
partition by range(col1)
subpartition by list(col2)
subpartition template
(subpartition sub1 values(1)
,subpartition sub2 values(2)
(partition p1 values less than(100)
,partition p2 values less than(maxvalue)
select segment_name,partition_name,segment_type
from   user_segments
where  segment_name like 'JEFF%'
order by segment_name


…gives the following results…

Table dropped.

Table dropped.

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Table created.

Table created.

Table created.

SEGMENT_NAME             Name                 SEGMENT_TYPE
------------------------ ------------------
JEFF_PARTITIONED         P2                   TABLE PARTITION
JEFF_PARTITIONED         P1                   TABLE PARTITION
JEFF_UNPARTITIONED                            TABLE

7 rows selected.


As you can see, the subpartitioned table shows the subpartition name in the PARTITION_NAME column. It’s not a big deal and I only noticed because I assumed there would be a SUBPARTITION_NAME column whilst I was writing my code…the failure in compilation led me to track this slightly erroneous situation down.


Why does this occur?


Well, if you delve into the code behind DBA_SEGMENTS you’ll see it refers to another view in the SYS schema called SYS_DBA_SEGS. The SQL behind SYS_DBA_SEGS selects all levels (Table, Partition and subpartitions) from the SYS.OBJ$ view, but then “loses” the partitions when joining to SYS.SYS_OBJECTS (the OBJ# from SYS.OBJ$ does not map to any row in SYS.SYS_OBJECTS via the OBJECT_ID column). The SQL then “loses” the table when joining to SYS.SEG$ – exactly why it does this I don’t fully understand, but I’m guessing it’s because those components of the composite object don’t actually have their own segment to physically store anything in since there are lower levels – in this case the subpartitions.


In any event, it’s a little bit of a gotcha and the column could probably do with being renamed to SUB_SEGMENT_NAME perhaps.

By Jeff

4 thoughts on “DBA_SEGMENTS misleading PARTITION_NAME column”
  1. This makes sense to me because as you have said the view dba_segments shows information about physical segments. Since only subpartitions are physical segments in this case it only shows them.

  2. I can see what it’s doing…but I don’t think it should be called PARTITION_NAME as that can be incorrect/misleading. Calling the column SUB_SEGMENT_NAME might make it clearer perhaps.

  3. This one could certainly run and run, but I’d call out the National Guard before agreeing to ‘sub-segment’ anything!

    A segment is something that physically exists, made up of extents and blocks, and which can store user data. So a sub-segment is what, then? Something that sort-of exists? In a quantum superposition of the states of existence and non-existence?!

    No thanks. Either it physically exists or it doesn’t, in which case it’s either a segment or not-a-segment -and there’s no room between the two to be a sort-of-segment-but-not-quite!

    Given the word ‘partition’ means (as a verb) ‘to chop up’, a sub-partition is just as much a partition as, er, a non-sub-partition is. It might be a smaller piece as a result of some finer chopping, but it’s still a piece of the segment as a whole. That makes it a partition in my book and the column name right.

  4. I think I probably agree with you on not calling it SUB_SEGMENT_NAME – I didn’t like it at the time but couldn’t think of a better name, hence me using the “probably” get out clause in my original post…yeah, it was weak, I know!

    I certainly don’t like a column being called PARTITION_NAME when it can contain SUBpartition names – on any level I just don’t agree that that’s right…it’s plainly misleading…and that’s exactly what it did to me as I tried to use that dictionary view.

    In my view, it actually doesn’t matter what the word partition means (as a verb) – we’re talking about how Oracle uses the term – not the general public and their use of the English language…so I don’t agree with you on that front either.

    If Oracle called it WIDGET and SUB WIDGET I’d be fine with that as long as the DBA_SEGMENTS didn’t have a column with WIDGET_NAME on it that could have either WIDGET_NAMES or SUB_WIDGET_NAMES in it depending on what type of segment it was.

    Actually, thinking about it, I’d prefer it if the DBA_SEGMENTS view had two columns – PARTITION_NAME and SUBPARTITION_NAME – if the segment is for a partition then the PARTITION_NAME gets completed and the SUBPARTITION_NAME should be NULL. If the segment is for a subpartition then the SUBPARTITION_NAME and the PARTITION_NAME should both be filled out with their appropriate values. That would rule out the confusion in my view.

    Now, where did I put my flak jacket…

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